We all know that there are no more idealized and romanticized blades and weapons than swords; however, what has taken the younger generation by storm is the notion of the anime swords. Real swords are no more in use with respect to military and real life; however, these amazing blades are the essential part of mankind's history. No one can deny the splendor of swords; nonetheless, there are numerous anime series which are replete with the grandiosity and power of anime swords. For this very reason, anime swords have become an obsession with all anime freaks out there. The below-given list presents 6 of the coolest anime swords.
1. The Scissor Blade
I am a die-hard fan of the anime series "Kill La Kill"; the reason of which are the anime swords. I am talking about the scissor blade. In their combined form, these amazing anime swords transform into the gigantic scissor weapon. The basic ability of this scissor blade is to destroy and demolish the life-fibers which are equally utilized in the making of the powerful uniforms as well as the Kamui. The scissor blade is a crucial part of the strength and power of Ryuko.
2. The Spirit Sword (Dimensional)
As indicated by the name of these anime swords, the spirit swords are made from the spiritual energy of the wielder of the anime swords. On the other hand, the dimension sword is, in fact, the magnification of the spirit sword. These anime swords are powerful enough to slice through a number of various dimension and other physical hurdles. The spirit swords possess power on their own which enables them to slice and cut through anything while relying on their own power. These anime swords are wielded in the anime series "Yu Yu Hakusho".
3. The Tessaiga
These anime swords have earned their rightful place among the top 6 badass anime swords. The Tessaiga has been explicitly made from the fang of Inuyasha's own father. The sword of Inuyasha's brother is known as the "Tensaiga"; this sword serves the purpose of preserving life. On the contrary, the Tessaiga is essentially an offensive weapon out of both the anime swords. In the animated series, we can see that it takes some time for Inuyasha to master his sword, the Tessaiga since the sword seemingly has a mind and spirit of its own.
4. The Dragonslayer
If we are talking about the most badass anime swords without mentioning the "Dragonslayer", it would be a true offense to the power and strength of this huge sword. This iconic anime sword is wielded by the character Guts in the animated series of "Berserk". You might imagine the power of this anime sword after knowing that hundreds and thousands of demons, as well as soldiers, have been torn apart with the help of the Dragonslayer. If I had four words for describing the power of this anime sword, I would choose "quite rough, big, thick, and heavy".
5. The Ragnarok
I am sure that the majority of the anime lovers are familiar with the anime series of "Soul Eater". We are talking about the masters of the badass anime swords here; the Ragnarok might act like a total jerk as compared to the other anime swords which are soul eaters. Nonetheless, no one can refute power of the Ragnarok since it is made of the black blood of Chrona herself. In fact, the Ragnarok uses the blood of Chrona as a projectile as well as protection. The cream resonance of the Ragnarok acts like a power saw which renders the anime sword quite intimidating as compared to other anime swords.
6. The Zanpakuto
This anime sword is the last one on the list of the top badass anime swords; the Zanpakuto is wielded by Ichigo in the animated series "Bleach". The Zanpakuto belongs to the category of the animated swords which use the wielder's inner capabilities by drawing them out and bringing them to the surface. For instance, the Zanketsu drives out the darker side of Ichigo. These animated swords also possess the power of sending souls to their afterlife in case these are lost in the human world.